
Controller that services Event related actions.

POST Events/GetEventsByLocation

Returns a list of Events by Location

GET Events/GetGroupEventPermissions?groupID={groupID}

Returns all of the events for the specified group

GET Events/GetRegistryEventPermissions?registryID={registryID}

Returns all of the events for the specified registry

GET Events/GetProjectEventPermissions?projectID={projectID}

Returns all of the events for the specified project

GET Events/GetOrganizationEventPermissions?organizationID={organizationID}

Returns all of the events for the specified project

GET Events/GetUserEventPermissions?userID={userID}

Returns all of the events for the specified user

GET Events/GetGlobalEventPermissions

Gets all acls for global events

POST Events/UpdateGroupEventPermissions

Updates Group Event Permissions subject to security

POST Events/UpdateRegistryEventPermissions

Updates Registry Event Permissions subject to security

POST Events/UpdateProjectEventPermissions

Updates Project Event Permissions subject to security

POST Events/UpdateOrganizationEventPermissions

Updates Organization Event Permissions subject to security

POST Events/UpdateUserEventPermissions

Updates or adds all of the user event permissions passed.

POST Events/UpdateGlobalEventPermissions

No documentation available.

GET Events/GetProjectOrganizationEventPermissions?projectID={projectID}&organizationID={organizationID}

Returns all of the Organization events for the specified project

POST Events/UpdateProjectOrganizationEventPermissions

Updates ProjectOrganizationPermissions subject to security

GET Events/GetProjectDataMartEventPermissions?projectID={projectID}&dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns all of the event permissions for the specified Project and DataMart

POST Events/UpdateProjectDataMartEventPermissions

Updates ProjectDataMartPermissions subject to security

GET Events/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Events/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET Events/List

No documentation available.

POST Events/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Events/Update

No documentation available.

POST Events/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Events/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


This controller is used for communication between the web based data mart and the dns portal. It should not be used for other operations

PUT Wbd/ApproveRequest?requestID={requestID}

returns response message for Approved request

PUT Wbd/RejectRequest?requestID={requestID}

Reject particular request

GET Wbd/GetRequestByID/{Id}

Returns a request by id.

POST Wbd/SaveRequest

Saves the request changes from wbd

PUT Wbd/SaveRequestDocument?requestID={requestID}&fileName={fileName}&viewable={viewable}

Save the request document

GET Wbd/GetActivityTreeByProjectID?projectID={projectID}

Returns the activities available for a given project with level structure.

POST Wbd/Register

Registers a data mart on the network.

POST Wbd/GetChanges

Gets all changes since the last time that the database was checked.

GET Wbd/DownloadDocument?documentId={documentId}

Downloads the specified document

GET Wbd/DownloadRequestViewableFile?requestId={requestId}

Returns the viewable file for the request

GET Wbd/CopyRequest?requestID={requestID}

Copies a request

POST Wbd/UpdateResponseStatus

Updates the status of a response.

PUT Wbd/PostResponseDocument?responseID={responseID}&viewable={viewable}

Saves a response document to the database.


Controller that services the Tasks.

GET Tasks/ByRequestID?requestID={requestID}

Gets all tasks associated to the specified Request.

GET Tasks/GetWorkflowActivityDataForRequest?requestID={requestID}&workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}

Gets the activity specific data for the specified request and workflow activity.

GET Tasks/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Tasks/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET Tasks/List

No documentation available.

POST Tasks/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Tasks/Update

No documentation available.

POST Tasks/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Tasks/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that supports the Security

GET Security/ListSecurityEntities

Returns a list of Users and Security Groups using OData for Filtering and sorting

POST Security/GetPermissionsByLocation

Returns all Permissions based on locations

GET Security/GetDataMartPermissions?dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified DataMart

GET Security/GetOrganizationPermissions?organizationID={organizationID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified Organization

GET Security/GetUserPermissions?userID={userID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified user

GET Security/GetGroupPermissions?groupID={groupID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified group

GET Security/GetRegistryPermissions?registryID={registryID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified registry

GET Security/GetProjectPermissions?projectID={projectID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified project

GET Security/GetGlobalPermissions

Gets all Global Acls

GET Security/GetProjectOrganizationPermissions?projectID={projectID}&organizationID={organizationID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified project and optionally the specified organization

GET Security/GetProjectRequestTypeWorkflowActivityPermissions?projectID={projectID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified project nad opitonal the specified request type and workflow activity

GET Security/GetProjectRequestTypeWorkflowActivityPermissionForIdentity?projectID={projectID}&identityID={identityID}

Gets the workflow activity permissions for the specified project and Identity.

GET Security/GetWorkflowActivityPermissionsForIdentity?projectID={projectID}&workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}&requestTypeID={requestTypeID}&permissionID[0]={permissionID[0]}&permissionID[1]={permissionID[1]}

Gets the granted permissions for the current user based on the specified project, workflow activity, request type, and requested permissions.

GET Security/GetProjectDataMartPermissions?projectID={projectID}&dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified Project and DataMart

GET Security/GetProjectDataMartRequestTypePermissions?projectID={projectID}&dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified Project and DataMart

GET Security/GetProjectRequestTypePermissions?projectID={projectID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified Project and DataMart

GET Security/GetDataMartRequestTypePermissions?dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns all of the request type permissions for the specified DataMart

GET Security/GetTemplatePermissions?templateID={templateID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified template.

GET Security/GetRequestTypePermissions?requestTypeID={requestTypeID}

Returns all of the permissions for the specified template.

POST Security/UpdateProjectRequestTypeWorkflowActivityPermissions

Updates ProjectDataMartPermissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateDataMartRequestTypePermissions

Update list of request type permissions associated with Datamart

POST Security/UpdateProjectDataMartPermissions

Updates ProjectDataMartPermissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateProjectDataMartRequestTypePermissions

update Project Datamart requesttye permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateProjectOrganizationPermissions

Updates ProjectOrganizationPermissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdatePermissions

Updates the global permissions specified

POST Security/UpdateGroupPermissions

Updates Group Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateRegistryPermissions

Updates Registry Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateProjectPermissions

Updates Project Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateProjectRequestTypePermissions

Updates Project Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateDataMartPermissions

Updates DataMart Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateOrganizationPermissions

Updates Organization Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateUserPermissions

Updates user permissions subject to security

GET Security/GetAvailableSecurityGroupTree

Returns a grouped tree of available security groups that can be added for ACL purposes.

POST Security/UpdateTemplatePermissions

Updates Template Permissions subject to security

POST Security/UpdateRequestTypePermissions

Updates Template Permissions subject to security

GET Security/GetGlobalFieldOptionPermissions

Gets all Global Field Option Acls

POST Security/UpdateFieldOptionPermissions

Updates Global Field Option Permissions subject to security

GET Security/GetProjectFieldOptionPermissions?projectID={projectID}

Returns all of the Field option permissions for the specified Project

POST Security/UpdateProjectFieldOptionPermissions

Updates Project Field Option Permissions subject to security


Actions for supporting DMC client.

GET DMC/GetProfile

Gets the profile for the authenticated user.

GET DMC/GetDataMarts

Gets the datamarts the authenticated user is authorized to see requests for.

POST DMC/GetRequestList

Gets the current request list.

POST DMC/GetRequests

Gets the details for the specified requests.

GET DMC/GetDocumentChunk/{ID}?offset={offset}&size={size}

Gets a chunck of the specified document.

POST DMC/PostResponseDocuments

Creates/saves new response documents, document content is posted in PostResponseDocumentChunk().

PUT DMC/PostResponseDocumentChunk?documentID={documentID}

Saves the actual document content for the document specified.

POST DMC/PostDocumentChunk

POST DMC/PostProcessDocument?identityID={identityID}&cachedDocumentFileName={cachedDocumentFileName}

Executes document post processing for all the registered post processors.

PUT DMC/SetRequestStatus

Sets the status of the specified request.


Web Api endpoint for working with Users

GET Users/Get/{ID}

Returns a specifiec User.

GET Users/List

Returns a secure list based on the logged in User permissions of Users that can be filtered using OData.

POST Users/ValidateLogin

Validates the login information provided

GET Users/ByUserName?userName={userName}

Gets a specific user by User Name

POST Users/UserRegistration

User Registration

GET Users/ListAvailableProjects

Returns the projects that a user can see, administer or otherwise submit or interacti with requests for the current user

POST Users/ForgotPassword

Requests a password reset email

POST Users/ChangePassword

Changes the user's password

PUT Users/RestorePassword

Restores an account with a new password based on the forgot password token.

GET Users/GetAssignedNotifications?userID={userID}

Returns all assigned notifications for user

GET Users/GetSubscribableEvents?userID={userID}

Returns the events that a given user can subscribe to.

GET Users/GetSubscribedEvents?userID={userID}

Returns the currently subscribed events

GET Users/GetNotifications?userID={userID}

Returns notifications for the current user.

GET Users/ListAuthenticationAudits

Returns an IQueryable List of Audit Events for a Users

GET Users/ListDistinctEnvironments?userID={userID}

No documentation available.

POST Users/UpdateSubscribedEvents

Updates the user's subscribed events. Note: You MUST pass all subscribed events for the user to this endpoint.

GET Users/GetTasks?userID={userID}

Returns a list of current tasks for the specified user or the currently logged in user

GET Users/GetWorkflowTasks?userID={userID}

Returns a list of current tasks for the specified user or the currently logged in user, the content has been extended to provide workflow information if available.

GET Users/GetWorkflowTaskUsers?userID={userID}

Gets a collection of user details based on the specified user's current workflow tasks. If no user is specified the current user is assumed.

POST Users/Logout

Logs out the current user.

GET Users/MemberOfSecurityGroups?userID={userID}

Returns a list of security groups that the user is a member of based on the user passed

POST Users/UpdateSecurityGroups

Updates the security groups that the user is assigned to. All security groups must be sent as ones not in the list will be removed.

GET Users/GetGlobalPermission?permissionID={permissionID}

returns if the user has a global permission

GET Users/ReturnMainMenu

Return main menu

GET Users/UpdateLookupListsTest?username={username}&password={password}

Tests Connection to lookup list update. To be removed once automatic updater is functioning.

GET Users/UpdateLookupLists?username={username}&password={password}

Updates the medical code lists from an external service.

POST Users/SaveSetting

Allows saving of a user setting

GET Users/GetSetting?key[0]={key[0]}&key[1]={key[1]}

Returns a list of settings based on the key

GET Users/AllowApproveRejectRequest?requestID={requestID}

Check if user has permission to Approve or Reject a request

GET Users/HasPassword?userID={userID}

Check if user password has been set.

DELETE Users/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Delete user

POST Users/InsertOrUpdate

Insert or update list of Users

PUT Users/Update

Update list of users

POST Users/Insert

Insert list of users

GET Users/GetMetadataEditPermissionsSummary

Returns an object indicating if the current user has Request metadata edit permission, and a list of the datamarts that the user can edit at least 1 requests metadata for.

GET Users/ExpireAllUserPasswords

Expires all users that the logged in user has access to.

POST Users/TriggerUserDeactivation

Queues a background task to deactivate stale users.

POST Users/SendEmail

Sends an email using the specified details.

GET Users/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller for servicing Response actions.

GET Response/Get/{ID}

Gets the details of a response

POST Response/ApproveResponses

Approves a response in the system

POST Response/RejectResponses

rejects a response in the system

POST Response/RejectAndReSubmitResponses

No documentation available.

GET Response/GetByWorkflowActivity?requestID={requestID}&workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}

Gets the responses associated to the active task for the specified workflowactivity and request.

GET Response/CanViewIndividualResponses?requestID={requestID}

Gets if a user can view individual responses for a specific request.

GET Response/CanViewAggregateResponses?requestID={requestID}

Gets if a user can view aggregate responses for a specific request.

POST Response/CanViewPendingApprovalResponses

Verify if the user is capable of viewing responses when the selected responses are in Awaiting Approval status or have had the response rejected.

GET Response/GetForWorkflowRequest?requestID={requestID}&viewDocuments={viewDocuments}

Gets all the details for the responses associated to the specified requests current workflow activity.

GET Response/GetDetails?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}

Return the response details for the specified responses. Note: All responses must belong the same Request.

GET Response/GetWorkflowResponseContent?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}&view={view}

Gets the content for the specified responses of a workflow request.

GET Response/GetResponseGroups

Gets the response groups for the specified responses.

GET Response/GetResponseGroupsByRequestID?requestID={requestID}

Get the response groups for the specified request.

GET Response/Export?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}&view={view}&format={format}

Exports the specified responses in the indicated format.

GET Response/ExportAllAsZip?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}

GET Response/GetTrackingTableForAnalysisCenter?requestID={requestID}

Gets the tracking table for the analysis center for the specified request.

GET Response/GetTrackingTableForDataPartners?requestID={requestID}

Gets the tracking table for the data partners for the specific request.

GET Response/GetEnhancedEventLog?requestID={requestID}&format={format}&download={download}

Gets the enhanced event log for the specified request.

GET Response/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Response/List

No documentation available.

POST Response/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Response/Update

No documentation available.

POST Response/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Response/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Responsible for all interactions and management of LookupListCategories

GET LookupListCategory/GetList?listID={listID}

Gets a list of LookupList


Looks up codes and lists from the database

GET LookupList/GetList

Gets a list of LookupList


Controller for RequestUser.

GET RequestUsers/List

Lists RequestUsers, must have permission to view the Request.

POST RequestUsers/Insert

Inserts the specified RequestUsers.

DELETE RequestUsers/Delete

Deletes the specified RequestUsers.


Controller that supports the workflow

GET Workflow/GetWorkflowEntryPointByRequestTypeID?requestTypeID={requestTypeID}

Gets the workflow entrypoint that should be used for new requests based on the request type

GET Workflow/GetWorkflowActivity?workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}

Gets the specific workflow activity information based on the specified ID.

GET Workflow/GetWorkflowActivitiesByWorkflowID?workFlowID={workFlowID}

Returns a list of activities for a specified workflow

GET Workflow/GetWorkflowRolesByWorkflowID?workflowID={workflowID}

Gets the workflow role definitions for the specified workflow.

GET Workflow/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Workflow/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET Workflow/List

No documentation available.

POST Workflow/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Workflow/Update

No documentation available.

POST Workflow/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Workflow/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services requests related to DataMart Availability Periods.

GET DataMartAvailability/List

Returns a list of DataMart Availability Periods the user has access to that are filterable using OData


Controller that supports the Terms

GET Terms/ListTemplateTerms/{id}

lists's the terms not allowed in the template with the specified templateID

POST Terms/ParseCodeList

Endpoint for Parsing a file that contains a list of codes to return a DTO for the MDQ.

GET Terms/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Terms/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET Terms/List

No documentation available.

POST Terms/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Terms/Update

No documentation available.

POST Terms/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Terms/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services the Network messages

GET NetworkMessages/Get/{ID}

Returns the specific network message.

GET NetworkMessages/List

Return a secure list of Network Messages.

GET NetworkMessages/ListLastDays?days={days}

Returns a list of network messages less than X days old.

POST NetworkMessages/Insert

Insert list of values associated with Network messages

GET NetworkMessages/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST NetworkMessages/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT NetworkMessages/Update

No documentation available.

DELETE NetworkMessages/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services the Projects

GET Projects/Get/{ID}

Returns a specific Project by ID

GET Projects/List

Returns a List of Projects filtered using OData

GET Projects/ProjectsWithRequests

Returns a list of projects that have viewable requests for the current user

GET Projects/GetActivityTreeByProjectID?projectID={projectID}

Returns the activities available for a given project with level structure.

GET Projects/RequestableProjects

Returns the projects that the current user can create a request against

GET Projects/GetRequestTypes?projectID={projectID}

Returns request types associated with project that the user has permission to manage.

GET Projects/GetRequestTypesByModel?projectID={projectID}&dataModelID={dataModelID}

Gets all of the request types that are available for the given project that support the specified datamodel.

GET Projects/GetAvailableRequestTypeForNewRequest?projectID={projectID}

Gets all the request types that are available for the given project, regardless of supported datamodel.

GET Projects/GetDataModelsByProject?projectID={projectID}

Gets the available data models from which to pick a request type to create a new request.

GET Projects/GetProjectRequestTypes?projectID={projectID}

Gets the available request types for the project that the user has permission to manage.

POST Projects/UpdateProjectRequestTypes

Updates the available request types for the project

GET Projects/Copy?projectID={projectID}

Copies the specified project and returns the ID of the new project.

DELETE Projects/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Flags the project as deleted.

POST Projects/Insert

Insert project values

POST Projects/InsertOrUpdate

insert or update project values

PUT Projects/Update

returns project values

GET Projects/UpdateActivities/{ID}?username={username}&password={password}

Updates the specified projects activies from an external service.

GET Projects/GetFieldOptions?projectID={projectID}&userID={userID}

Get the field options for the specified project.

GET Projects/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.


Document specific endpoint.

GET Documents/ByTask?tasks[0]={tasks[0]}&tasks[1]={tasks[1]}&filterByTaskItemType[0]={filterByTaskItemType[0]}&filterByTaskItemType[1]={filterByTaskItemType[1]}

Gets documents for the specified tasks.

GET Documents/ByRevisionID?revisionSets[0]={revisionSets[0]}&revisionSets[1]={revisionSets[1]}

Returns the most current document for each specified revision set.

GET Documents/ByResponse?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Gets the documents for the specified response.

GET Documents/GeneralRequestDocuments?requestID={requestID}

Gets documents for a request that are not specific to a task.

GET Documents/Read/{id}

Streams the content of the specified document, content is not specified as an attachment.

GET Documents/Download/{id}

Downloads a specific document.

POST Documents/Upload

Upload a document.

POST Documents/UploadChunked

Upload a document.

DELETE Documents/Delete?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}

Delete the specified documents.


Controller that services requests related to DataMarts.

GET DataMarts/Get/{ID}

Gets a specific DataMart by ID

GET DataMarts/GetByRoute?requestDataMartID={requestDataMartID}

Gets a specific DataMart for a RequestDataMart (routing).

GET DataMarts/List

Returns a list of Data Marts the user has access to that are filterable using OData

GET DataMarts/ListBasic

Returns a list of Data Marts the user has access to using as DataMartListDTO's.

GET DataMarts/DataMartTypeList

Returns a list of DataMart types.

POST DataMarts/GetRequestTypesByDataMarts

Returns a list of request types based on the data mart.

GET DataMarts/GetInstalledModelsByDataMart?DataMartId={DataMartId}

Returns a list of installed models based on the data mart.

POST DataMarts/UninstallModel

Deletes the specified data model from the datamart

GET DataMarts/Copy?datamartID={datamartID}

Copies the specified datamart and returns the ID of the new datamart.

DELETE DataMarts/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Flags the datamart as deleted.

POST DataMarts/Insert


POST DataMarts/InsertOrUpdate

insert or update datamarts

PUT DataMarts/Update

update datamart

GET DataMarts/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services Groups

GET Groups/Get/{ID}

Gets a specific Group by ID

GET Groups/List

Returns a list of Groups that the user has access to that are filterable.

GET Groups/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST Groups/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Groups/Update

No documentation available.

POST Groups/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Groups/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that supports the Registry Item Definition.

GET RegistryItemDefinition/GetList

Gets a list of all Registry Item Definitions


Controller that services the project organizations

GET ProjectOrganizations/List

Gets a list of items allowing oData Filtering criteria

POST ProjectOrganizations/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of organizations associated with a project.

POST ProjectOrganizations/Remove

Deletes the specified datamarts from the projects


Controller that supports the theme

GET Theme/GetText?keys[0]={keys[0]}&keys[1]={keys[1]}

Get the theme

GET Theme/GetImagePath

Get the image for theme


Web API Methods for working with Sso Endpoints

GET SsoEndpoints/Get/{ID}

Gets a specific User by ID

GET SsoEndpoints/List

Lists all users and can be filtered and selected using OData

GET SsoEndpoints/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST SsoEndpoints/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT SsoEndpoints/Update

No documentation available.

POST SsoEndpoints/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE SsoEndpoints/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services Request Type related actions.

POST RequestTypes/Insert

Inserts request types.

GET RequestTypes/List

Return all RequestTypes that the user has View rights for.

GET RequestTypes/ListAvailableRequestTypes

Return all RequestTypes

POST RequestTypes/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or Updates if already exists request types.

POST RequestTypes/Update

Updates request types.

PUT RequestTypes/Update

Updates request types.

DELETE RequestTypes/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Deletes request types.

POST RequestTypes/Save

Inserts or updates the requesttype, template, and associated models

POST RequestTypes/UpdateModels

Updates Models for Request Types

GET RequestTypes/GetRequestTypeModels?requestTypeID={requestTypeID}

Returns the terms for a specific request type.

GET RequestTypes/GetRequestTypeTerms?requestTypeID={requestTypeID}

Returns the terms for a specific request type.

GET RequestTypes/GetFilteredTerms/{id}

Gets all of the applicable terms for the specified RequestType. This will be either the explictly limited terms, terms limited by specified model, or no terms indicating the composer should show all terms.

GET RequestTypes/GetTermsFilteredBy

Gets all the valid terms based on the models, adapterdetail specified. Not specific to a particular requesttype or template.

POST RequestTypes/TermsByAdapterAndDetail

Gets the available terms based on the specified RestrictToTerms, Adapter, AdapterDetail, and/or TemplateID

POST RequestTypes/UpdateRequestTypeTerms

Updates terms associated with a request type.

GET RequestTypes/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET RequestTypes/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.


Looks up Values from the lookup lists

GET LookupListValue/GetList

Gets a list of LookupList

POST LookupListValue/GetCodeDetailsByCode

Returns a full detailed list of codes based on the codes passed in

GET LookupListValue/LookupList?listID={listID}&lookup={lookup}

Returns a list of values based on the lookup text provided


Actions for adapter processor packages.

GET Adapters/GetPackage?identifier={identifier}&version={version}

Gets an adapter package based on the specified package identifier and version.

GET Adapters/GetPackageForRequest?requestID={requestID}

Get an adapter package based on the specified request.

GET Adapters/GetCurrentVersion?identifier={identifier}

Gets the latest version number for the specified package identifier.

GET Adapters/GetRequestTypeIdentifier?modelID={modelID}&processorID={processorID}

Gets the RequestType identifier and latest version for the specified model ID and processor ID.


POST LegacyRequests/ScheduleLegacyRequest

Schedules a legacy request

POST LegacyRequests/DeleteRequestSchedules

Delete any scheduled components for the request

POST LegacyRequests/ActivateLegacyRequestSchedule?userID={userID}&requestID={requestID}&cronExpression={cronExpression}

Adds the recurring job

POST LegacyRequests/DeactivateLegacyRequestSchedule?requestID={requestID}

Delete the recurring job. This method is executed/scheduled for the job's end date, if any.

POST LegacyRequests/OnSubmitSchedulerRequest?userID={userID}&requestID={requestID}

Submits the request, as per the recurrence schedule defined.


Controller that services the Organization Groups

GET OrganizationGroups/List

Gets a list of items allowing oData Filtering criteria

POST OrganizationGroups/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of organizations associated with a group.

POST OrganizationGroups/Remove

Deletes the specified organizations from the groups


Manages Templates

GET Templates/List

Return all Templates that the user has View rights for.

GET Templates/CriteriaGroups

Returns all Criteria Group templates the user has view rights for.

GET Templates/GetByRequestType?requestTypeID={requestTypeID}

Gets the templates for the specified request type.

GET Templates/GetGlobalTemplatePermissions

Gets a result indicating information regarding global edit permissions for templates.

POST Templates/SaveCriteriaGroup

Saves a new criteria group template.

GET Templates/ListHiddenTerms/{ID}

Gets the collection of template terms for the specified template.

GET Templates/ListHiddenTermsByRequestType/{id}

Returns all the hidden terms associated to templates for the specified request type.

GET Templates/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Templates/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

POST Templates/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Templates/Update

No documentation available.

POST Templates/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Templates/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services Request related actions.

POST Requests/CompleteActivity

Completes a workflow activity based on the information provided.

PUT Requests/TerminateRequest

Terminates the request

GET Requests/List

Returns a List of Requests filtered using OData.

GET Requests/ListForHomepage

Returns a list of Requests using HomepageRequestDetailDTO.

GET Requests/RequestsByRoute

Gets routes with request details.

POST Requests/GetCompatibleDataMarts

Gets a list of DataMarts that are compatible with the current request's criteria, stratifiers etc.

POST Requests/GetDataMartsForInstalledModels

Gets a list of DataMarts that are compatible, i.e. the Terms specified are supported, with the installed models on the DataMarts with the option to limit by ProjectID. Important: This function should not be used for QueryComposer request since they should not use the Installed Models. Also, the Request member of the MatchingCriteria does not affect the results.

GET Requests/RequestDataMarts?requestID={requestID}

Returns the DataMarts for a given request based on security

GET Requests/GetOverrideableRequestDataMarts?requestID={requestID}

Returns the routings for the specified request that can have their routing status overriden.

POST Requests/UpdateRequestDataMarts

update request datamarts

POST Requests/UpdateRequestDataMartsMetadata

Update Routings Priorities and DueDates

GET Requests/ListRequesterCenters

Returns a list of Requester Centers

GET Requests/ListWorkPlanTypes

Returns a list of Work Plan Types

GET Requests/ListReportAggregationLevels

Returns a list of Request Aggregation Levels

GET Requests/GetWorkflowHistory?requestID={requestID}

Gets the workflow history for the specified request.

GET Requests/GetResponseHistory?requestDataMartID={requestDataMartID}&requestID={requestID}

Gets the response history for the specified request dataMart

GET Requests/GetRequestSearchTerms?requestID={requestID}

Gets the request search terms for the specified request.

GET Requests/GetRequestTypeModels?requestID={requestID}

Gets the model IDs associated with the Request Type

GET Requests/GetModelIDsforRequest?requestID={requestID}

Gets the model IDs associated with the Request Type.

POST Requests/UpdateRequestMetadata

Update the request metadata

POST Requests/UpdateMetadataForRequests

Updates the specified requests metadata values. Currently only Priority and Due Date is supported.

GET Requests/GetOrganizationsForRequest?projectID={projectID}

Gets the organizations of the datamarts associated with specified project. Used by DataChecker QE to get the data partners for a request.

GET Requests/AllowCopyRequest?requestID={requestID}

Checks if user is allowed to copy a request

POST Requests/CopyRequest

Creates a copy of the request.

GET Requests/RetrieveBudgetInfoForRequests?ids[0]={ids[0]}&ids[1]={ids[1]}

Endpoint for returning the Buget Info Metadata for a list of requests

POST Requests/CompleteWorkflowActivity

No documentation available.

GET Requests/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Requests/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

POST Requests/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Requests/Update

No documentation available.

POST Requests/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Requests/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services the Organization registries

GET OrganizationRegistries/List

Gets a list of items allowing oData Filtering criteria

POST OrganizationRegistries/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of organizations associated with a registry.

POST OrganizationRegistries/Remove

Deletes the specified organizations from the registries


Controller that services the Registries

GET Registries/Get/{ID}

Returns a specified registry

GET Registries/List

Returns a secured list of registries

GET Registries/GetRegistryItemDefinitionList?registryID={registryID}

Gets a list of all Registry Item Definitions associated with the registry

PUT Registries/UpdateRegistryItemDefinitions

Updates Registry Item Definitions associated with the registry, subject to security

GET Registries/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST Registries/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Registries/Update

No documentation available.

POST Registries/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Registries/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services Comments' action.

GET Comments/ByRequestID?requestID={requestID}&workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}

Gets all comments associated to the specified Request.

GET Comments/ByDocumentID?documentID={documentID}

Gets WFComments based on the document ID specified.

GET Comments/GetDocumentReferencesByRequest?requestID={requestID}&workflowActivityID={workflowActivityID}

Gets document details for all comments associated with the specified request and optionally limited to comments for a specific workflow activity.

POST Comments/AddWorkflowComment

Adds a comment for the specified request and workflow activity.

GET Comments/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET Comments/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET Comments/List

No documentation available.

POST Comments/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT Comments/Update

No documentation available.

POST Comments/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE Comments/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


DELETE ReportAggregationLevel/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Marks the Report Aggregation Level as deleted by setting it's DeletedOn value to UTC now.

GET ReportAggregationLevel/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET ReportAggregationLevel/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET ReportAggregationLevel/List

No documentation available.

POST ReportAggregationLevel/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT ReportAggregationLevel/Update

No documentation available.

POST ReportAggregationLevel/Insert

No documentation available.


GET DMCS/ListDataMartsForUser/{id}

No documentation available.

POST DMCS/GetDataMartsMetadata

No documentation available.

GET DMCS/CanConfigureDataMart/{id}

Checks if the authenticated user has permission to configure the specified DataMart. The user must also be able to see the datamart's request queue.

GET DMCS/GetUserDataMartPermissions/{id}

No documentation available.

GET DMCS/GetRoutesForUser/{id}

Returns the top 1000 ID's for all the routes a user is able to access.

GET DMCS/GetRoutePermissionsForUser?userID={userID}&requestDataMartID={requestDataMartID}

Gets the routing permissions for the specified user.

POST DMCS/GetRoutingsForDataMarts

Returns the full details for requests associated to the specified datamart IDs.

POST DMCS/SetRequestDatamartStatus

No documentation available.

POST DMCS/AddResponseDocument

No documentation available.

POST DMCS/PostProcessDocument?identityID={identityID}&cachedDocumentFileName={cachedDocumentFileName}

Executes document post processing for all the registered post processors.

POST DMCS/UserDetails

Returns details about the user specified.


Controller that services notification requests.

GET Notifications/ExecuteScheduledNotifications?userName={userName}&password={password}

Runs the scheduled notifications based on the permissions of the user used to login. Will fail if the user is not of type Background Task.


Controller that services requests related to Data Models.

GET DataModels/Get/{ID}

Gets a specific DataModel by ID

GET DataModels/List

Gets a list of items allowing oData Filtering criteria

GET DataModels/ListDataModelProcessors

Get a list of the supported Processors by datamodel.

GET DataModels/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST DataModels/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT DataModels/Update

No documentation available.

POST DataModels/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE DataModels/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services the Organization

GET Organizations/Get/{ID}

Returns a specified organization

GET Organizations/List

Gets a secure list of Organizations

GET Organizations/ListByGroupMembership?groupID={groupID}

Returns a secure list of organizations by Group

GET Organizations/Copy?organizationID={organizationID}

Returns a specified copied organization

DELETE Organizations/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

Flags the organization as deleted.

POST Organizations/InsertOrUpdate

Insert or updates list of organizations

POST Organizations/Insert

Insert or updates list of organizations

PUT Organizations/Update

Insert or updates list of organizations

POST Organizations/EHRSInsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of organizations associated with a EHR System.

GET Organizations/ListEHRS

List Orgs in EHRS System.

DELETE Organizations/DeleteEHRS?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}

Delete EHR System.

GET Organizations/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that Supports the Security Groups

GET SecurityGroups/Get/{ID}

Gets a specified security group

GET SecurityGroups/List

Provides a secure List of Security Groups which can accept odata commands

GET SecurityGroups/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

POST SecurityGroups/InsertOrUpdate

No documentation available.

PUT SecurityGroups/Update

No documentation available.

POST SecurityGroups/Insert

No documentation available.

DELETE SecurityGroups/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.


Controller that services the project DataMarts

GET ProjectDataMarts/List

Gets a list of items allowing oData Filtering criteria

GET ProjectDataMarts/ListWithRequestTypes

Returns Project Data Marts with their supported request types

GET ProjectDataMarts/GetWithRequestTypes?projectID={projectID}&dataMartID={dataMartID}

Returns a specific data mart with the support request types

POST ProjectDataMarts/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of datamarts associated with the project

POST ProjectDataMarts/Remove

Deletes the specified data marts from the projects


Controller that supports the DataMart Installed models

POST DataMartInstalledModels/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or updates a list of datamarts associated with a project.

POST DataMartInstalledModels/Remove

Deletes the specified data marts from the projects


Controller that services Request Observers related actions.

POST RequestObservers/Insert

Inserts request observers.

POST RequestObservers/InsertOrUpdate

Inserts or Updates if already exists request types.

POST RequestObservers/Update

Updates request types.

PUT RequestObservers/Update

Updates request types.

GET RequestObservers/ListRequestObservers?RequestID={RequestID}

Get request observers including default observers

GET RequestObservers/LookupObserverEvents

Retrieves all events that an observer can be registered to recieve notifications for

GET RequestObservers/LookupObservers

Retrieve observers

POST RequestObservers/ValidateInsertOrUpdate

Confirms that all the users and security groups being added as request observers have no explict denies for the events being subscribed.

GET RequestObservers/GetPermissions?IDs[0]={IDs[0]}&IDs[1]={IDs[1]}&permissions[0]={permissions[0]}&permissions[1]={permissions[1]}

No documentation available.

GET RequestObservers/Get/{ID}

No documentation available.

GET RequestObservers/List

No documentation available.

DELETE RequestObservers/Delete?ID[0]={ID[0]}&ID[1]={ID[1]}

No documentation available.